Book Review: The Undertaking of Billy Buffone by David Guiliano

by Kaylie Seed

Undertaking of Billy Buffone.jpg

Content Warning: sexual abuse of children, graphic scenes, death of a child

Set in Northwestern Ontario, David Giuliano’s novel The Undertaking of Billy Buffone is a tale about how one person’s heinous actions can impact lives for many years to come through trauma and grief. Told from the ghostly perspective of Matthew, Billy’s childhood best friend who died as a youth, the reader will learn about the dark secrets that have engulfed the small town of Twenty-Six Mile House for decades.  Billy Buffone is an eccentric, middle-aged funeral home director in Northwestern Ontario. Billy has never been away from home for long, and he is deathly aware of the secrets that want to remain buried in this sleepy town.

I am from Northwestern Ontario myself, so it was really neat to see this location used and used well. Giuliano is also from the area and it is clear to the reader that he did his research and did Northwestern Ontario proud. Giuliano has created some unique characters that bring a much-needed lightness to this macabre novel, and they are a joy to read. The Undertaking of Billy Buffone also pays homage to Anishinaabe (who reside in Northwestern Ontario) culture and traditions respectfully and with warmth, another beacon of light in this sad story. 

The Undertaking of Billy Buffone touches on some heavy topics that the reader should be made aware of before diving in, mainly the sexual abuse of children, which can get graphic. Giuliano has managed to write about these difficult topics gracefully while maintaining the bluntness of them. The Undertaking of Billy Buffone also touches on trauma, grief, friendship, and love. While there can be difficult-to-read scenes, Giuliano has written a touching story about the brotherly love between friends and how that love is unconditional. The Undertaking of Billy Buffone is a beautifully written piece of literary fiction that will bring the reader heartache and warmth.

*Thank you, Latitude 46 Publishing for the complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review!